Travel in Alaska is expensive and resources to address waste problems are scarce. SWAT members use their work throughout rural Alaska to identify common training needs that can help communities move forward. They then leverage their entity resources to plan and execute regional and village on-site trainings that otherwise would not be possible.
Arctic Solid Waste and Backhaul Training, Utqiagvik. Collaborators: ADEC, EPA. SWAT member Trisha Bower and retired member Ted Jacobson train Slope operators. Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC)Solid Waste Management Training, Collaborators: TCC, Zender, ADEC. SWAT member Reilly Kosinski (Zender) trains in operating a Backhaul Program. The Business of Trash training Collaborators: Zender, ADEC. Sean Peterson (Zender) trains in how to treat your landfill as a rural utility while SWAT member Trisha Bower (ADEC) provides landfill operation training. Backhaul Training, Nome. SWAT member Collaborators: ADEC, Kawerak. Total Reclaim. SWAT member Reilly Kosinski (formerly Total Reclaim) providing classroom instruction prior to hands-on portion.