The Solid Waste Alaska Taskforce (SWAT) is a multi-institution taskforce that collaboratively tackles rural Alaska solid waste challenges with a core approach that recognizes local community capacity as critical to success. Each organization or agency independently operates statewide solid waste activities and functions that help local communities build safe and sustainable programs, while working collectively on problems that are beyond individual community control. The cross organizational structure of the team allows SWAT to remove obstacles, grab opportunities, and initiate bold ideas into workable measures and new programs
SWAT Agencies
- Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
- Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
- Kawerak, Inc.
- Zender Environmental Health and Research Group
SWAT’s Mission
Helping communities achieve healthy, sustainable solid waste management programs by: navigating regulations; serving as a technical liaison; connecting communities to resources and tools; working with communities to find locally preferred and doable solutions; and identifying and encouraging cross-organizational collaboration.
How to contact SWAT
Please email us at: